Moab Brand Trails offers mountain bikers a great combination of flowy dirt, slickrock, and chunk so your entire group can get its ride on.
Chris & Mac
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Length: 29 Trails with 32 Miles of Total Trail
Trailhead(s): Bar M Trailhead
Elevation Gain: Varies Based on Chosen Route
Trail Type: Trail System
Dogs: Allowed
Difficulty: Beginner to Advanced
Permit Required? No
Considerations: Desert Riding; No Water
Season: Year Round
Sitting just up Highway 191 from Moab, Utah, Moab Brand Trails (also known as Bar M) offers mountain bikers a great combination of flowy dirt, slickrock, and chunk. This makes Moab Brand Trails a great trail system for those who like to ride varied terrain, as well as groups with varied skill levels and/or terrain preferences.
What’s to Love about the Moab Brand Trails?
Great riding, varied terrain, trails ranging from beginner to double black diamond, and drop dead gorgeous views that’s what!
Moab Brand Trails is designed to offer something to all levels of mountain bikers. If you are a beginner or those looking for a nice, easy spin, the system has it. If you are looking to build your skills to take on some of Moab’s more difficult systems, Moab Brand Trails has it. If you want to get comfortable with slickrock riding in a forgiving terrain, its there. And, if you want to get some solid technical riding with a lot of chunk, it has that too.
Then, there are the views . . . Moab Brand Trails sits in a beautiful setting with tall cliffs to the west, Arches National Park visible to the northeast, and the gorgeous, snow capped La Sal Mountains to the southeast.
Great riding in a beautiful setting? Sign me up!
Riding the Moab Brand Trails Mountain Biking Trail System
The Moab Brand Trails mountain biking trails system has 9 beginner, 10 intermediate, 4 advanced, 1 double black diamond, and 5 double track trails (and the double track is actually fun to ride!). Many of these trails have a dirt base, which can be a rarity at many of Moab’s mountain biking trail systems. That said, there is also plenty of rock, including slickrock, to be had if that is what gets you juiced.
For beginners and those seeking an easy ride, Moab Brand Trails’ 9 beginner trails and the 5 doubletrack trails offer a good deal of riding over a variety of terrains, including dirt and slickrock. The trails are a bit more challenging than beginner trails in other parts of the country, but that is the nature of Moab riding.
A great beginner ride to try a little bit of each terrain is to take EZ to Lazy and loop back on to EZ to EZ Access to Rusty Spur, then pick up Bar M and ride it to the far side of Seven Mile Flat and back to the trailhead. On this ride, you will cover 10.7m miles with only 658′ of climbing. You’ll get a some rocks and gentle climbing on EZ, a buff, flowy downhill on Lazy, smooth red dirt and flow on Rusty Spur, and dirt and some slickrock slabs to ride up and down. You’ll also get killer views of Arches and the La Sals.
For those seeking an intermediate spin at Moab Brand Trails, a great ride with a nice mix of slickrock riding, dirt, and flow is to take Seven Mile Flat to a right on Bar M, then a left on Circle O to a right on North 40 back to Seven Mile Flat and a right to the trailhead. This 9.1 mile ride with 832′ of climbing and outstanding views of Arches National Park will keep you smiling.
The advanced crowd can have it all at Moab Brand Trails. A fun route is to take EZ to a left on Bar M, an immediate right on Deadman’s Ridge then a left on Longbranch followed by a left on Bar B then a right on Rockin A, a left on Circle O, a right on Bar M to a left on Seven Mile Flat back to the trailhead. This loop is a total of 10.7 miles with 1,245′ of climbing.
I particularly like this loop because it samples the beginner, double track, and intermediate trails with a heavy dose of technical on the advanced Deadman’s Ridge and Longbranch Trails. It also covers a good amount of the beautiful Moab Brand Trails system and offers riders all the great views the system has to offer.
There are, of course, many other routes riders can choose at Moab Brand Trails. I have presented a few that Mac and I really like to get you started. Go, explore, and have fun.
Concluding Thoughts About the Moab Brand Trails Mountain Biking Trail System
Moab Brand Trails is a great mountain biking trail system which offers a great sampling of the Moab’s terrain for riders at all levels. When you combine this with a short drive from downtown Moab and incredible views, Moab Brand Trails is hard to beat. Make sure to put it on your itinerary when you take your next mountain biking trip to the Moab area. You’ll be glad you did! OUTventure on!
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Additional Information (Click below to follow links.)
Moab Brand Trails Slideshow
(Click image to expand.)
Trailforks Interactive Trail Map:
Gear We Use for Mountain Biking
To see descriptions of the gear Chris & Mac use for mountain biking, as well as links to manufacturers and retailers offering the gear for sale, please CLICK HERE.
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