An overview of the outstanding hiking and mountain biking opportunities in and around the Lake Tahoe area.
Chris & Mac
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“Lake Tahoe” is a wildly popular tourist destination. Lake Tahoe (the body of water) itself is not just fantastic, it is surrounded by an incredible landscape of mountains, lakes, and streams. This makes Lake Tahoe (the destination) a place for kids of every age to have fun. There are lots of things to do and plenty of places to do all of them!
Accessible year round, Lake Tahoe is is surrounded by thousands of acres of scenic lands that have gorgeous trails for hiking, mountain biking, and backpacking. In particular, the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, El Dorado National Forest, and Tahoe National Forests, and the four wilderness areas within them all provide a deliciously blissful respite from civilization. Honestly, there is so much packed into this area that although we will come back many times, we will never see it all.
Regardless of your preferred discipline, you will find outstanding hiking, mountain biking, and backpacking opportunities all around Lake Tahoe – and we don’t just mean the lake itself. To help you get started, we present below some of our favorite outventures in the Lake Tahoe area. Just click on the pictures to read the associated articles. OUTventure on!
Hiking Articles
Mountain Biking Articles
Additional Lake Tahoe Information (Click below to follow links.)
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