The ripping Larison Rock Trail, like all the trails in the amazing mountain biking town of Oakridge, Oregon, will leave you with a big smile!
Chris & Mac
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Length: 4.6 Miles
Trailhead(s): Larison Rock Trailhead
Elevation Gain: 820’ (2,958′ Descent)
Trail Type: Point to Point
Dogs: Allowed
Difficulty: Intermediate
Permit Required? No
Considerations: Usually done as a shuttle; Trail is closed from November to March.
Season: April through October
Oakridge, Oregon, has excellent mountain biking and the Larison Rock mountain biking trail is no exception. Like many of Oakridge’s rides, it is usually ridden as a shuttle and, like all of Oakridge’s rides, it will have your adrenalin filled body grinning from ear to ear.
What Makes the Larison Rock Mountain Biking Trail such a Blast to Ride?
Simple – It’s fast with beautiful flow, buff trail, a great view at the top, and 2,958′ of descent with only 820′ of climbing. That’s a ride I’ll take any day of the week!
Riding the Larison Rock Mountain Biking Trail
This ride usually starts with a shuttle to the lonely Larison Rock Trailhead. The trailhead has a small parking area across NF-2102. You can, of course, ride up to the trailhead if you want to earn your descent, but most people prefer the shuttle option from a local shuttle service or a willing friend.
(Of note, I am writing up this ride to include climbing a half mile to the Larison Rock from the trailhead before descending. This adds 267′ of elevation gain to the ride. It is not necessary to do this portion of the ride, but I highly recommend it. The climb is somewhat rigorous, but not bad and you can leave your bike at the base of Larison Rock and climb the short, rocky ascent for an excellent view. Plus, you get to add a half mile and 267′ of descent to your downhill.)
Starting at the trailhead, ride a short way on the Larison Rock Trail until you see a trail on the left. This is The Larison Rock trail (I know, a little confusing, but they are two different trails). Climb the trail until you reach a rocky top called Larison Rock (shocking, I know!). Leave your bike at the base of the rock and climb to the top. With excellent skills, you could carry your bike to the top to begin your descent, but I don’t recommend it.
At the top of Larison Rock, take a moment to enjoy the outstanding view and take some pictures. When you’re done, climb back down to your bike and strap in for a hell of a fun ride.
The Larison Rock trail is switch-backed down to the Larison Rock Trail, but fast and fun. It is marked advanced on Trailforks, but I think this is being generous. You decide how fast you want to take this trail.
When you get back to the Larison Rock Trail, which is rated as intermediate, the really fast, ripping fun begins. Strap yourself in, let go of the brakes, and let’er rip. It’s a short 3.2 miles down this trail. You climb about 710′ on the way down, but you will hardly notice it with the momentum carried from the 2,781′ of descent.
The ride down the Larison Rock Trail over the next 3.2 miles is buff, fast, and a ton of fun. Most riders will give their brakes a pretty good work-out due to the steepness of the trail, but it flows beautifully so if you have the skills, go ahead and fly. The last half mile or so has some rock and scree to keep you honest, but nothing major.
At the bottom of the Larison Rock Trail you will reach National Forest Development Road 582. Take a right and ride until you see a parking area on the left. At the back of the parking area is a trail. From here, ride your way to a bridge that crosses the Middle Fork Willamette River. Cross the bridge to get back to your car or to town.
Final Thoughts about the Larison Rock Mountain Biking Trail
The Larison Rock Trail is a blast to ride. The trail by itself is not a destination ride, but when combined on a trip with Oakridge’s other beauties, such as the Alpine Trails, Dead Mountain, Waldo Lake, or any of the other amazing rides in the Oakridge area, you are going to be blown away. Oakridge is one of my favorite ride destinations in Oregon AND the U.S. The Larison Rock Trail just adds to the fun. Enjoy!
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Additional Information (Click below to follow links.)
Larison Rock Mountain Biking Trail Slideshow
(Click image to expand.)
Trailforks Interactive Trail Map:
Gear We Use for Mountain Biking
To see descriptions of the gear Chris & Mac use for mountain biking, as well as links to manufacturers and retailers offering the gear for sale, please CLICK HERE.
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