Mountain bike to see the beauty. Standing at the trailhead, a ribbon of dirt and rock wearing the telltale impression of fat tire tracks, we saddle up and venture forth. On a mountain bike, we are able to investigate the many marvelous miles which lay ahead.
Chris & Mac
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Mountain bike to see the beauty. Standing at the trailhead, a ribbon of dirt and rock wearing the telltale impression of fat tire tracks, we saddle up and venture forth. On a mountain bike, we are able to investigate the many marvelous miles which lay ahead.
Miles of trail pass beneath knobby tires. We observe the devastating effects of wildfires and floods, and behold natures triumph in the new growth which emerges. We revel in the beauty of waterfalls, lakes, ponds, creeks, and streams painstakingly borne of the destruction and chaos caused by tectonic movements of the earth ages ago. When we go mountain biking, far-off amazing places and sights far from the reaches of man are reachable. As mountain bikers, we get a front row seat to viewing the beautiful triumphs of nature as they have, and as they continue, to unfold.
Add your tire tracks to the trail and behold the serenity of nature far from the trailhead. Time passes with little note as we travel deeper into the wilderness. In this moment the peacefulness of nature saturates. Listening, we hear tires moving over earth, we hear breathing, we hear chirps coming from branches overhead. The splashes and gurgles of water moving over rocks and logs accompanies us, as do the varying scents of leaves, pine needles, or wildflowers which fill our noses with their pleasant aromas. Trees sway in the breezes, branches whispering overhead. Even the silence of giant rocks teetering precariously on one another or strewn across the ground like pebbles play their crucial role in the tapestry of tranquility we experience. The sights, sounds, and scents are both fleeting and timeless. They embrace us in a peacefulness which permeates our soul as the miles roll by.
Gear We Use for Mountain Biking
To see descriptions of the gear Chris & Mac use for mountain biking, as well as links to manufacturers and retailers offering the gear for sale, please CLICK HERE.
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